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Our goal is to inform readers about the great advancements made in orthodontics and to keep in touch with the orthodontic community at large. It is also a forum for us to have some fun with recipes and community events in and around our great city of Edmonton. We hope you enjoy what you read and send us your comments.

Our mission at Strathcona Orthodontics is simple: to create beautiful, healthy and lasting smiles in a relaxed and fun environment. Orthodontics is our passion, our patients are our priority.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hurray! Spring break is finally here. If you aren't skiing or in a sunny southern spot, here are some fabulous spring break activities right here in Edmonton!

For young and old alike, there is the world famous Telus World of Science. Star gaze at the Margaret Ziegler Theatre or see what's playing at the IMAX Theatre. There are also daily Science Demonstrations. There is also so much to do and see at the Royal Alberta Museum during spring break. They are showing daily movies, puppet theatre, crafts and so much more! Why not visit our new Art Gallery of Alberta, check out their website to see the family programs available. While it is so beautiful outside, try to get out for a family walk or bike ride in our beautiful Edmonton River Valley.

It is easy to get out of the routine of brushing & flossing during a change in your schedule. If you are out and about try putting a toothbrush, paste and some floss in your backpack (use the Strathcona Orthodontics oral hygiene bag you received when you 1st got your braces on). It's even more important to be aware of foods that might loosen or remove a bracket while you are on the go. Choose your foods just as you would at home to avoid loose wires or broken brackets. Most of all remember to have a fun, safe & healthy spring break!

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