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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Health Drink for your Teeth by RealAge

A Health Drink for Your Teeth
By RealAge©

"Search Which is better for your teeth -- orange juice or tea?"

"Turns out that OJ ranks right up there with soda in terms of its enamel-damaging potential. But tea's effect on teeth is like water's: It leaves enamel unscathed."

"Guard Your Teeth"
"Think of enamel as armor for your teeth. Once that armor gets worn down or damaged, it can't repair itself. That's why acidic beverages -- soda, citrus juice, sports drinks -- are so bad for your pearly whites: They contain enamel-stripping acids (phosphoric, citric, malic, and tartaric acids, to name a few). But green and black teas don't attack enamel, and they even have a bit of tooth-friendly fluoride to boot."...

"Drinks That Do No Wrong"
"Save wear and tear on your teeth with these other smart sipping strategies:
Use a straw with acidic beverages. This minimizes contact with your teeth. Or swish your mouth with water afterward.
Drink brewed tea -- and drink it straight up. If you load it up with sugar and lemon, your teeth will feel it. You might want to skip the milk, too.
Snack on natural stain removers, like apples, celery, and carrots. Here's a sweet treat that may actually be good for teeth." Strathcona Orthodontics reminds our patients to always cut up fruit and vegetable into small bites and be very careful when eating carrots, it is easy for a bracket to come loose or pop off when chewing carrots! Refer to our 'Eating with braces' link for more ideas of what foods to eat & avoid while you have braces on.

"Get the YOU Docs' advice on how to take care of your smile. Watch this video."

"RealAge Benefit:
Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger."

References Published on 02/19/2009 Topographic and radiographic profile assessment of dental erosion. Part III: Effect of green and black tea on human dentition. Bassiouny, M. A. et al., General Dentistry 2008 Jul-Aug;56(5):451-461; quiz 462-463, 495-496.

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