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Our goal is to inform readers about the great advancements made in orthodontics and to keep in touch with the orthodontic community at large. It is also a forum for us to have some fun with recipes and community events in and around our great city of Edmonton. We hope you enjoy what you read and send us your comments.

Our mission at Strathcona Orthodontics is simple: to create beautiful, healthy and lasting smiles in a relaxed and fun environment. Orthodontics is our passion, our patients are our priority.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Eating with braces - the do's & dont's!

Sometimes it can be a challenge to stay on track with suitable foods when you have braces on. We will be posting an on-going blog at Strathcona Orthodontics with our favorite 'braces friendly' recipes. First we have a few tips from the pros!
When you first get your braces on, your teeth and gums are going to be a little tender. Remember during this time that ice cream can be considered a food group, just so long as you are getting enough good nutrition from other sources. In addition to your daily ice cream habit be sure to try milk shakes, yogurt, soup, pudding, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese and pasta, apple sauce, and eggs. Booster Juice is also a great choice for a snack or meal with their fabulous assortment of delicious smoothies! You can be sure that in a very short time you will be eating more normally again.
Check out our section on Eating with Braces that will guide you through foods to avoid while you have your braces on. Some of the main culprits for breaking a bracket (braces) and winding you back up into the office for extra appointment are biting into hard candy, ice cubes, and popcorn kernels (we even see people who have a pen biting habit that aren't aware of it until a bracet pops loose!). Foods like raw fruits and vegetables, and pizza crust all need to be cut into small pieces to avoid an extra visit to the orthodontist. For all you carnivores out there, make sure you cut the meat off the bone and into small pieces before you dig in. And, stay completely away from nuts and beef jerky!
Coming up in the next Strathcona Orthodontics Blog: RECIPES FOR SUCCESS!

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