4 large leeks
6 oz (175g) butternut squash
1 large onion, peeled
1 teaspoon butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil
1½ pints (850 ml) vegetable stock
10 fl oz (275 ml) semi-skimmed milk (1% milk)
1½ tablespoons snipped chives
Salt and freshly milled (that means ground for us Canadian's!) black pepper
After washing, slice the leeks lengthways and then across into 1 inch (2.5cm) slices. Next peel and chop the onion into slices of the same size, followed by the butternut squash (there is no need to peel it first) into 1 inch (2.5cm) cubes.
Turn the oven onto 400 degrees F. Toss the butternut squash in olive oil and roast on a baking tray for 45 minutes until the flesh is soft and has started to caramalise. Meanwhile melt the butter in a large saucepan, add the leeks and onions, stir them well and add some salt. Put a lid on the saucepan and, keeping the heat low, allow the vegetables to sweat and release their juices for 20 minutes.
Once it has caramalised add the roasted butternut squash to the other vegetables, add the stock and the milk and a little freshly milled pepper, then return the lid. Keep the heat low let the soup simmer very gently for another 20 minutes to allow the flavours of the vegetables to amalgamate.
Pour the soup into a blender and blend to a velvety smooth puree (you may have to do this in two or three batches, so it is good idea to have a large bowl to hand). Then return the soup to the saucepan, snip in some chives and gently re-heat without letting it boil (no more than a simmer) for a couple of minutes. Add more seasoning if you need to.
This recipe sounds good to all of us at Strathcona Orthodontics regardless of whether you have braces on or not!